Dear Parents/Guardians

Welcome back to a new year at Parallel, your support over the summer has been tremendous and all the carnivals, displays and workshops have been fabulous. Thank you so much, we hope you’ve enjoyed them as much as we have.

The Year Ahead
There are lots of exciting opportunities coming up this year including competitions, appearances, parallel exams the Christmas light switch- on’s and of our end of year showcase which will have a Harry Potter theme (so get watching the movies now if you haven’t already).
We have also updated the timetable to include some new classes and change of times, so please make sure you take a look.

Save The Date
Starz Uk Norwich – Sunday 21st October
LK Street Dance Competition – Sunday 11th November
Uk Street Dance Competition Harrow – Saturday 24th November

Congratulations to Lucy who has nearly completed her IDTA teaching qualification. Examinations will officially start in Jan 2019, preparation for these examinations will continue throughout the year to ensure students wishing to take examinations are fully prepared. IDTA examinations are widely recognised qualifications and can be used to support dance and non-dance applications to further education or employment. There is no requirement to take examinations, we leave it up to the individual and with the first wave of examinations, will be entering only a handful of Ballet students. Performance work is integrated within all lessons to ensure a balance.


We have high aspirations for all our students and want them to be appropriately dressed for lessons so they are safe and properly attired for each class. Whilst dance is a fun hobby it also requires a level of discipline. Being well groomed and wearing the correct clothing is part of that discipline.
Could all new uniform requests please reach us by the24th of September so the orders can be done together. Lucy will be giving out a uniform list in lessons.
Please could all students ensure they are wearing the correct footwear for each class and that a parallel top is being worn. Ballet students should wear a leotard and tights/leggings, shorts or a skirt may be worn in addition. More information about uniform can be found on the website or ask in class if unsure. Tiki clothing will also be there for all your other dancewear needs including shoes and leotards. Call Emma on 07514734821 or find them on Facebook, Instagram or at

To try to keep our clothing competitively priced we will be doing one order each term for uniform, this excludes clothing for competitions and shows.
You can still order new clothing throughout the year but there will be an added charge to cover costs.

Unfortunately we were not successful obtaining a grant from the local council to get ballet barres  We have therefore decided to try to raise some additional funds ourselves, hopefully with your help! So if you have a great or original fundraising ideas let one of us know!

Bring a friend to Dance Week

The week beginning the 17th of September is “Bring a friend to Dance Week” we are asking that you invite/persuade/drag  a mate who may be curious about what you do at parallel or might not have even thought dancing was for them, to your class. The lesson is free for them and if they decide to stay for the term you also benefit by getting a lesson off your bill next term.

There will be no increase to fees this term, hooray I hear you cry! Classes will continue to be paid half- termly and must be paid in full by the second week of term please We will continue at present with the system started last term with envelopes but we are looking into a contactless payment option in the new year.
Please make sure your invoice and money is brought to class in an envelope with the students name on the front. Envelopes will also be provided in class if you forget.
If you are paying by card you still need to hand in the envelope with the invoice and appropriate box ticked. You can make a bank transference directly to parallel dance,
Sort code 20-03-26
Account number 13820645
All that we ask is you reference the student’s name.
Please don’t hand Lucy cash without an envelope, or an envelope without the invoice enclosed as she is unable with the quick changeover in lessons to check and ensure payment has been made correctly. Please also note we cannot accept cheques under the value of £10.
We understand all too well that times can sometimes be difficult, if there are any problems with payment please contact Lucy or Emma directly and in confidence so we can sort something out. All communications should be directed to either or or 07747 796798.

A warm welcome to any new students we hope you enjoy being part of the parallel Family please follow us @parallel_dance_studios on Instagram and Parallel Dance Studios on Facebook. We will also be starting up new WhatsApp group chats for competition groups so please download the free app if you haven’t already. Please make sure you have completed all the registration documentation in class with the new GDPR in place it is even more important that we have your most current information and permissions. Don’t be afraid to ask if you have any further questions. We hope you have a wonderful term.

Here’s to another great year of dance!

Lucy and Emma Cook
Parallel Dance Studios