Dance As a Form of Exercise

Dance As a Form of Exercise

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices ipsum non mattis pharetra. Integer laoreet non felis sit amet pharetra. Integer mollis eget felis non finibus. Nullam nibh mauris, fermentum vitae felis vehicula, aliquam bibendum sapien. In euismod velit vitae neque rhoncus congue. Aliquam luctus, sapien in consectetur cursus, quam urna euismod magna, sed pellentesque massa libero eu lorem. Aenean rhoncus gravida nisl vel pretium. Nam ac nisl non ipsum vestibulum vehicula vulputate sagittis magna. Aenean est nisl, convallis volutpat tempor ac, tempus ac ante. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce...


It’s taken a litte while longer than expected but we’ve got our new website up and running! With our continued growth in students, classes, locations and events we felt it was time for a little refresh. Our new website is packed full of new content, the latest class information, locations, dancewear and PHOTOS. As well as links to our facebook, twitter and youtube pages. Over the next few weeks we’ll hopefully iron-out any issues and make finding out all you need to know as easy as possible.