Dear Parents/Guardians
Wow, well its been a bit of rough start to 2020 but did you know you appear to get a much bigger release of endorphins when you dance than during other forms of exercise. So more reason for us to keep our positive outlook and dance on!
Our annual end of year showcase is starting to come together and the Myths and Legends choreography is looking great. As it the work for our place in this years Sadlers wells, Breakin’ convention held at the Theatre Royal on the 29th and 30th of May Well done and thank you to all students involved.
Keep in Touch
We are trialling a new method of communication this term as well as our existing socials on Facebook, Instagram and now TIK TOK (maybe more for the kids than us parents) Its called Class Manager if you haven’t clicked on the link already please click below.

From here you will be asked to sign up your child’s details and classes they take part in. The site should allow us to be more efficient and its safer in terms of GDPR requirements it will also reduce the amount of paper. We do love our trees at Parallel. You will also receive emailed letters and notices as we try to move to a paperless system. The website will remain the same and WhatsApp groups for the time being for comp communication.

Save The Date
Move It – 13th -15th March 2020 (Excel London)
Breakin Convention – 29th 30th May (Theatre Royal)
End of year Showcase Myths and Legends – June 20 &21st

Examinations coming soon
Lucy has no doubt smashed another examination and is not only now qualified for IDTA examinations but is working towards her examiners qualification. IDTA Examinations are widely recognised qualifications and can be used to support dance and non-dance applications to further education or employment. More information will follow as to when the examinations will be held but there will be an additional cost to enter your child. There is no requirement to take examinations, Performance work is integrated within all lessons to ensure a balance.
We have high aspirations for all our students and want them to be appropriately dressed for lessons so they are safe and properly attired for each class. Whilst dance is a fun hobby it also requires a level of discipline. Being well groomed and wearing the correct clothing is part of that discipline. All students must ensure they are wearing the correct footwear for each class and that a parallel top is being worn. Ballet students should wear a leotard and tights/leggings, shorts or a skirt may be worn in addition. More information about uniform can be found on the website or ask in class if unsure. You can still order new clothing throughout the year but there will be an added charge to cover costs.

Virus Concerns
I am sure that you aware of the outbreak of novel coronavirus and the subsequent confirmed cases in the UK. At Parallel we take the health and safety of our pupils very seriously, so we’re sharing guidance from Public Health England on steps you should be taking.
There is currently no cause for concern at Parallel but we’ll keep you informed about any developments and to help us keep the space clean can we ask that you wash your hands before and after class. Liquid soap is available in the toilets and hand sanitiser from Lucy.
Prevent the spread of infection
Make sure you and your children follow these general principles to prevent spreading any respiratory virus:
Wash your hands often – with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or an alcohol-based sanitiser if soap and water aren’t available
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
Avoid close contact with people who are sick
If you feel unwell, stay at home and don’t attend work or school
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in a bin
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in the home
If you’re worried about your symptoms, please call NHS 111 – don’t go directly to your GP or other healthcare environment
If you or your children have returned from a category 1 country or area in past 14 days
Contact NHS 111 for advice, and: Self-isolate for 14 days after leaving the country or area (see the home isolation advice sheet for help with this)
If you become unwell, call NHS 111 immediately for an assessment (or 999 if you require emergency medical attention) – see below for the symptoms to look out for
If you or your children have returned from a category 2 country or area in last 14 days
If you or your children are well:
You don’t need to avoid contact with other people
Your other family members don’t need to take any precautions or make any changes to their own activities
If you become unwell (see below for a list of symptoms): Stay indoors and avoid contact with other people as you would with other flu viruses (see the home isolation advice sheet for help with this)
Call NHS 111 immediately for an assessment (or 999 if you require emergency medical attention)
Symptoms to look out for
If you have returned from any of the category 1 or 2 areas or countries, look out for the following symptoms:
Difficulty in breathing
Fever (a temperature of 38 degrees C or higher) According to other official guidance, while you wait for further advice:
Avoid contact with others
Stay at home – don’t go to work or school
Don’t travel while sick
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing, throwing tissues in the bin
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (or an alcohol-based sanitiser if soap and water aren’t available)
This information is being shared as advice and guidance and is in no way meant to cause alarm.

MOVE IT – With this in mind we completely understand if people would rather not travel to MOVE IT this year. At present we are still discussing our presence at the event and will make a decision in due course taking into consideration all factors.

There will again be no increase to fees next term, hooray I hear you cry! Classes will continue to be paid half- termly and must be paid in full by the second week of term please We have our contactless payment izettle which is making things easier but you can still pay by cash or cheque or bank transfer . Please make sure your invoice and money is brought to class in an envelope with the student’s name on the front. Envelopes will also be provided in class if you forget.
If you are paying by card or contactless please still hand in the envelope with the invoice and appropriate box ticked. You can make a bank transference directly to parallel dance,
Sort code 09-01-29
Account number 23798539
All that we ask is you reference the student’s name.
Please don’t hand Lucy cash without an envelope, or an envelope without the invoice enclosed as she is unable with the quick changeover in lessons to check and ensure payment has been made correctly. Please also note we cannot accept cheques or izettle under the value of £10.
We understand all too well that times can sometimes be difficult, if there are any problems with payment please contact Lucy or Emma directly and in confidence so we can sort something out. All communications should be directed to either or or 07747 796798.
A warm welcome to any new students we hope you enjoy being part of the parallel Family Please make sure you have completed all the registration documentation with the tight GDPR regulations its even more important that we have your most current information and permissions, these can be picked up in class or downloaded from website and will soon be on CLASS MANAGER!
Don’t be afraid to ask if you have any further questions. We hope your looking forward to
Lucy Henderson and Emma Cook
Parallel Dance Studios