Hello we hope you have had a lovely summer holiday and can’t wait to see you all back. We have lots of exciting things coming including our end of year show ‘Myths And Legends’ on the 20th and 21st of November. The children have been working so hard on their routines. Tickets will go on sale in the next couple of weeks and costumes will start to be ordered.

Please make sure by the end of this week your children have been enrolled into their classes here is the login in link of this is a great time to try any new classes with the first class being free. https://app.classmanager.com/portal/parallel-dance

Our website is currently being updated but we did send an email with the timetable on, if you forget you can look on here. There are two temporary changes at the moment Hevingham pre school is on a Thursday morning 9.15 instead of a Tuesday just temporarily so please if you can’t make it let me know. Reepham seniors for this term will merge with Reepham intermediate on a Thursday from 4.15-5 for the show.

Uniform for those who ordered before summer it should be with us ASAP lack of delivery drivers due to corona virus stalled our order but it’s back on track. If you have not ordered any uniform yet please next week when we do the next order put in your forms, as by the end of this term we would like everyone to have the correct uniform. We also have our brand new loungewear line coming out at the end of this month so watch out for that.

Corona is still present and we will still be keeping the children and our staff as safe as possible with extra cleaning, ventilation hand sanitising and distancing where we can but please still let us know if someone has tested positive so we can still safely follow the guidelines.

If you haven’t yet seen her Lucy is looking slightly rounder than usual, no she hasn’t eaten lots of summer (she has) Lucy is actually due to have a baby in December but don’t worry she will be with us until Christmas parties hopefully. 


Its a 7 week term if you have any free trials please take off one week.

Hevingham Pre school £38.50

Ballet and Tap £42.00

Contemporary £38.50

Street £38.50

Dance Theatre £38.50

Acro £35.00

Jazz £35.00 

Please pay these by the 12/09/21

Paypal lucy@paralleldance.co.uk with students name

BACCS parallel dance studios 

sort code 09-01-29

account 23798539

Any problems please let us know.


Lucy and Emma